Thursday, September 20, 2012

An explanation of sorts

Hello! Long time and all that. I am writing this amidst vision problems to explain why I am largely absent from the web these days. Everything has had to take a back seat while I work on the most important thing in my life--my life itself! I have some neurological problems brought on by mercury poisoning and after years of research and trying different protocols, some of which made me WORSE in the past 10y. But the protocol I'm doing lately, while working, causes headaches, double vision and other vision challenges--not really condusive to computer work. An aside: I was not poisoned by just amalgam fillings or vaccinations or contact lens solutions(for anyone curious) but by a whole cocktail of things plus direct exposure to mercury vapor, the most deadly poison. So, don't worry, you will probably not have to deal w/ this. But the fact remains, I have a long road of detox ahead and I must continue on an altered course without being sidetracked. I will finish my angel series, then my fantasy series, frankly, will have to wait a little while--hopefully not long as writing has enabled me to keep my sanity through all this! Your prayers are much appreciated and I will be back as soon as I can!

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